The TOLES Test of Legal English
Demonstrate your legal English competence to employers and clients by obtaining a Test of Legal English Skills Certificate
I am a TOLES certified examination center. I offer training in preparation for the exam,
and when you are ready, I can offer you the examination itself.
Tests legal reading and writing (90 minutes)
Legal vocabulary as used in authentic situations; basic grammar
Elementary-Advanced English level
Training materials: ‘The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook’ and other introductory-level materials
TOLES Foundation Certificate, including a grade explanation
See the TOLES Foundation Exam page for more details. Click here for a sample Foundation paper.
Foundation Exam
Higher Exam
Tests legal reading and writing (90 minutes); legal listening (30-45 minutes)
Practical reading, writing and listening skills in authentic legal situations
Intermediate-Advanced English level
Training materials: ‘The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook’ and other Intermediate level materials, in addition to supplementary grammar study
TOLES Higher Certificate, including a grade explanation
See the TOLES Higher Exam page for more details. Click here for a sample Higher paper.
Advanced Exam
Tests legal reading, writing and drafting, knowledge of register and business idioms (120 minutes)
Practical reading, writing and drafting skills in authentic legal situations
Upper Intermediate–Advanced English level
Training materials: ‘The Lawyer’s English Language Coursebook’, ‘Advanced Legal English’ and advanced level materials in addition to study of commercial contracts and standard terms and conditions
TOLES Advanced Certificate, including a grade explanation